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What will happen to the US Market in 2019?

So, I know what you are all thinking. Probably the same as me – Ok its January 2019 now, the US and my real estate portfolio had a decent year, especially in the capital growth department. But what next? Is it still good value? Is it overpriced? How does it compare with Europe in terms of the prospects?...

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Portfolio Mortgages for Foreign Investors

We’re just completing our first portfolio mortgage for an overseas client here in Buffalo. Mortgage Lending on a portfolio is in effect, the ‘magic ingredient’ in an investor’s portfolio. While the costs can be higher than regular bank lending, the lending for foreigners is quite competitive and...

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Bank Lending, Yields and Real Values

Every now and then it’s useful to take a step back from the daily grind of finding good investments and look at the larger trends developing in the world. The rise of non-establishment populism; the continuing next to nothing interest rates; the larger economic and social issues that seem to loom...

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